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Dora and friends are going riding but the horses have run away from bandits, can your child help her find them again?
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Dora and friends are going riding but the horses have run away from bandits, can your child help her find them again?
Educational Aspects
Animals - There are several animals mentioned throughout the game by name and with pictures as well as little pieces of information about them. Included within this is a guessing game where they have to identify the right animal from a clue.
Spanish - In many parts of the game Dora will swap between English and Spanish words for the same thing, such as horses, friends and places. This helps your child to learn those specific words and they are repeated several times during the game.
Directions - To collect the horses your child must move Dora in a direction, either Left, Right, Up or Down.
Problem Solving - The horses are hidden inside of mazes where your child will need to follow a trail of carrots, along the way there will be many decisions about the direction to go in and there are also obstacles for them to avoid.
Puzzles - At different stages of the game your child will be presented with multiple choice puzzles where they have to work out the correct answer based on the information given by Dora.
Listening - Many of the instructions and all of the puzzles are given out by Dora and your child will need to listen to them to be able to complete the game.
Printables - At the end of the game a sheet can be printed for your child to color in.
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