IXL is an educational site which contains quiz-like games for your children aged around 2 to 18. It covers a wide range of topics from math to languages; from the sciences to social studies, making it a suitable supplementary tool for educators, especially those involved in homeschooling.
Educational Aspects
Counting -Younger kids learning on IXL will learn how to count using various methods. Most of the time though, they will be clicking on the object as they count.
Math -The math curriculum on IXL includes simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, along with fractions, percentages, and others, right up to more advanced math problems such as calculus.
Languages -Aside from English, IXL also provide comprehensive lessons for your child to learn the foundations of Spanish via interactive questions, accurate audio, and real-world narrative dialogues.
Social studies -Aside from learning more about the many branches of the United States government, social study lessons teach your child about economics, history, and geography. There is even a short lesson where your child will be taught how to identify sources of a news they read and to differentiate between facts and opinions.
Special Features
Progress Tracking and Analysis -IXL employs a few analytical techniques to measure your child’s progress. The IXL Analytics, for instance, let you know your child’s strengths and weaknesses, giving you real-time data as your child enjoy the games on the site, allowing you to be a more efficient educator.
On the other hand, the IXL Continuous Diagnostic not only help you keep track of your child’s progress, it also let you know when your child is ready to move on to more advanced content. It even provides you with an action plan that’s tailored to each student.
Personal Recommendation -IXL personalize each student’s practice based on the students’ performance during practice and on their grade level.
Standards Alignment - Most of the lessons are designed for the “Common Core”. However, different states in the United States have different standards and you can easily adjust your child’s lessons on IXL to match the respective standards in your state.
by AethynaJan 29, 2018IXL is an educational site which contains quiz-like games for your children aged around 2 to 18. It covers a wide range of topics from math to languages; from the sciences to social studies, making it a suitable supplementary tool for educators, especially those involved in homeschooling.
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