Dora and her friends are off to school and they need to cross the river and forest to get there, with your child’s skills they can make it on time.
Educational Aspects
Counting - On the way to school the characters need to cross a river and the turtles are willing to help them and your child will need to count them out once all of the turtles are in place.
Math - To cross the turtle bridge your child will need to work out how many are missing and click on the correct number before any of the characters can go. Each character has their own number of turtles needed and the math problem changes each time your child plays.
Sizes - To fill the lunchboxes your child will need to work out which of the piles on the screen is larger or smaller than the others. They can either count them out loud or use the visual references on the screen but to pass they have to click on the right pile.
Puzzle Solving - WHen they arrive at the school Dora will ask your child to find items in the classroom using clues that she gives. The answer is also given in Spanish, but the initial description of the item is given in English and they can use these instructions to click on the right object in the classroom.
Spanish - Throughout the game Dora will swap between English and Spanish as she describes items and activities. Many of these words are easy to identify as as they are mixed in with the English it helps your child to learn them naturally.
Printables - At the end of the game your child can print out a picture for them to color in based on this game.
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