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There are Magic Tricks being performed and the characters need your child’s help as they learn about lots of different words.
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There are Magic Tricks being performed and the characters need your child’s help as they learn about lots of different words.
Educational Aspects
Vocabulary - Each of the different parts of the game represents a particular word. In these games your child will learn the meaning behind the words and see practical usage of the terms.
Letters - At different points in the game there are parts where your child will need to click on or use letters to see the full word or understand some of the use of a word.
Numbers - During the game there are numbers that can be used, both to identify and help learn the meaning of words and they are used with their own games.
Sizes - In several of the games your child will need to compare the sizes of items or animals from largest to smallest. There are also several different words relating to sizes and their differences.
Patterns - Within some of the games your child will need to identify or copy different patterns. These are simple to do but they require your child to have it correct before they can move on.
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